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Big data is used in traditional industries to help the transformation and upgrading of instrumentation-开平市荣发机械有限公司 Location:Home » News » Industry News

Big data is used in traditional industries to help the transformation and upgrading of instrumentation


After the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the "Internet +" action strategy, a new generation of information technology such as big data has been widely applied to traditional industries. As a cluster of high-tech instruments and meters, it is also closely related to big data.

The so-called big data refers to the amount of data involved is so large that it cannot be collected, managed, and sorted out more valuable and meaningful conclusions in a reasonable time through the existing physical measurement software. These data are all-encompassing, not only the information that people publish on the Internet, there are countless sensors on industrial equipment, automobiles, and electricity meters all over the world, which measure and transmit information about location, movement, vibration, temperature, humidity, and even chemical substances in the air at any time. Changes have also produced massive amounts of data and information. Therefore, big data is also known as another disruptive change in the field of information technology following cloud computing and the Internet of Things.

From clocks, water meters, electrical instruments in daily life to spectrum analyzers and gravity sensors in scientific research, instrumentation is the soul of mechanical equipment. The essence of instrumentation is a tool for data acquisition and is known as the "collector of big data." "Naturally have massive amounts of "big data." However, the strategic significance of big data technology is not to master huge data information, but to professionally process these meaningful data, and realize the "value-added" of data through "processing". Big data has become a source of new inventions and new services.

The emergence of big data platforms has made instrumentation companies realize that they can do more with this set of collected data, such as achieving intelligence in the field of ecological environment monitoring. In July 2015, the General Office of the State Council issued the "Plan for the Construction of Ecological Environment Monitoring Network", which established a clear action plan for the construction of my country's ecological environment monitoring network. Vice Minister of Environmental Protection Zhai Qing proposed that the improvement of the ecological environment monitoring network requires data interconnection Sharing and big data platform support, through the establishment of an environmental protection big data center, relying on the massive data storage and ultra-efficient processing capabilities of big data, and integrating the scattered data within relevant departments to form a huge data center system, providing ecological environmental protection decision-making, management and law enforcement data support.

It is reported that the environmental protection departments and monitoring centers of various provinces, cities, and regions have fully initiated the construction plan of the monitoring network. For example, the Guangdong Environmental Monitoring Center has included the upgrade and transformation of the big data center into the key work content in the 2015 work plan, and based on this Realize the unified integration and data sharing of various business systems.

In addition, more and more instrumentation companies have begun to embark on the road of transformation and upgrading to an integrated process. They are no longer satisfied with providing metering products, but are upgrading to complete solutions, using the convenience of their own data collection. Grasp the needs of users, so as to provide richer, comprehensive and time-efficient services, and promote enterprise innovation and upgrading and product application promotion.

This new trend is also affecting new product and service design concepts and the design process itself. In order to further grasp more comprehensive service information and grasp user needs, future instrumentation products will incorporate data service interfaces into traditional designs, creating new products that are more suitable for more modern features. Big data will create unprecedented quantifiable dimensions of human life, and it is believed that more changes are gaining momentum.

Today, an era of mass production, sharing and application of data is beginning. As Professor Victor said, "The Prophet of the Big Data Era", the true value of big data is like an iceberg floating in the ocean. At first glance, only the tip of the iceberg can be seen, most of which are hidden under the surface. The strategic significance of big data technology is not to master huge data information, but to professionally process these meaningful data, and realize the "value-added" of data through "processing".

When the Minister of Industry and Information Technology Miao Wei wrote an article explaining how my country’s manufacturing industry has grown from large to strong, he said that the current focus is to promote the deepening of the application of the Internet in the manufacturing sector, actively develop new Internet-based manufacturing models such as cloud manufacturing, and cultivate new applications of the industrial Internet. Batch industrial cloud services and industrial big data platforms. In the future, whether it is German Industry 4.0 or "Made in China 2025", industrial big data analysis is the foundation of intelligent manufacturing and an important direction to support future intelligent manufacturing.


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